Improvements to the GraphQL-Java integration

Vert.x 4.4 ships several improvements to the GraphQL-Java integration.


Vert.x 虚拟线程开始孵化

JEP 425:虚拟线程又名 Loom 即将作为一个预览增强登陆 Java 19 平台。 Vert.x 开发组启动一孵化项目以践行虚拟线程。


Eclipse Vert.x for Scala next steps

This blog post gives an overview of the current plans for the vertx-lang-scala module, in particular with respect to the upcoming Vert.x 4.


VS Code Vert.x Starter Extension

Today, we are really excited to announce the Visual Studio Code Vert.x Starter extension. It allows you to create a Vert.x project, customize the creation, and search for dependencies.


New community channels

In order to better support the community, we (the core team and module maintainers) now also provide help on Stack Overflow and Gitter.


Google Summer of Code 2018

It's this time of year again! Google Summer of Code 2018 submission period has just started!
