Eclipse Vert.x 3.7.0 released!

We are ex­tremely pleased to an­nounce that the Eclipse Vert.x ver­sion 3.7.0 has been re­leased.

It is an ex­cit­ing mile­stone for a cou­ple of rea­sons:

  1. it comes with great new fea­tures like the GraphQL ex­ten­sion for Vert.x Web.
  2. this is the last minor ver­sion be­fore Vert.x 4!

Be­fore we go throught the most no­table new fea­tures, we would like to thank all the con­trib­u­tors. Your par­tic­i­pa­tion has been es­sen­tial to this achieve­ment.

Vert.x Web GraphQL

Vert.x Web GraphQL ex­tends Vert.x Web with the GraphQL-​Java li­brary so that you can build a GraphQL server.

To use this new mod­ule, add the fol­low­ing to the de­pen­den­cies sec­tion of your Maven POM file:


Or, if you use Gra­dle:

compile 'io.vertx:vertx-web-graphql:3.7.0'

Then cre­ate a Vert.x Web Route and a GraphQLHandler for it:

// Setup the GraphQL-Java object
GraphQL graphQL = setupGraphQLJava();
// Use it to handle requests on a Vert.x Web route 

The GraphQL han­dler sup­ports out of the box:

  • query con­text cus­tomiza­tion
  • GraphQL-​Java data load­ers
  • batch­ing on POST re­quests (com­pat­i­ble with the apollo-link-batch-http trans­port)

For de­tailed usage in­struc­tions, please refer to the Vert.x Web GraphQL doc­u­men­ta­tion.

Vert.x Cassandra Client

Object mapper support

Vert.x Cas­san­dra Client now sup­ports the cassandra-​driver-mapping mod­ule.

To en­able this fea­ture, you need to up­date your class­path by adding:


Then for a given en­tity:

@Table(keyspace = "test", name = "users")
class User {
  @PartitionKey String name;
  // ... other fields and methods 

You can re­trieve a map­per and ex­e­cute CRUD op­er­a­tions:

VertxMappingManager manager = VertxMappingManager.create(cassandraClient);
VertxMapper<User> mapper = manager.mapper(User.class, vertx); User("john", hander -> {}));

Collector API

The fea­ture al­lows to use Java col­lec­tors for query re­sults:

// Create a collector projecting a row set to a string in the form (last_name_1,last_name_2,...)
Collector<Row, ?, String> collector = Collectors.mapping(
    row -> row.getString("last_name"),
    Collectors.joining(",", "(", ")")

// Run the query with the collector
client.execute("SELECT * FROM users", collector, ar -> {
  if (ar.succeeded()) {
    // Result in the form (last_name_1,last_name_2,...)
    String result = ar.result();
  } else {
    System.out.println("Failure: " + ar.cause().getMessage());

Cursor API

The ResultSet ob­ject has been en­hanced with ResultSet#several method, al­low­ing you to ob­tain sev­eral rows at once:

resultSet.several(30, ar -> {
  if (ar.succeeded()) {
    List<Row> result = ar.result();
  } else {
    System.out.println("Failure: " + ar.cause().getMessage());

A very use­ful fea­ture for re­sult batch it­er­a­tions with­out re­sort­ing to stream­ing or fetch­ing all rows in mem­ory.

Client lifecyle

The client life­cyle has been re­vis­ited in 3.7.

Pre­vi­ously users ex­pected to connect man­u­ally be­fore send­ing re­quests. It was also pos­si­ble to disconnect a shared client thus fail­ing re­quests sent from an­other ver­ti­cle or part of the ap­pli­ca­tion.

Now it is no longer re­quired to man­u­ally con­nect a client (in fact, the method has been re­moved).

As soon as you re­trieve an in­stance you can start using it, the life­cyle is au­to­mat­i­cally man­aged:

CassandraClientOptions options = new CassandraClientOptions()
CassandraClient sharedClient = CassandraClient.createShared(vertx, "sharedClientName", options);
// Start sending requests to Cassandra with the client instance

Sim­i­larly, when the new close method is in­voked on a shared client, only the last ac­tive in­stance will ac­tu­ally dis­con­nect from Cas­san­dra:

// Disconnects only if this is the last running instance of the shared client

Vert.x Redis Client

The Vert.x Redis client has been re­worked in­ter­nally and pro­vides now a new (more evo­lu­tion friendly) API.

The cur­rent API had the lim­i­ta­tion of being man­u­ally crafted after the redis API and in­volved many non con­tro­lable fea­tures such as auto re­con­nect, un­lim­ited buffer­ing of re­quests, etc… The new API of­fers a more vert.x-y ex­pe­ri­ence.

It just ex­poses the base client:

  .createClient(vertx, inetSocketAddress(7006, ""))
  .connect(create -> {
    final Redis redis = create.result();

    redis.send(Request.cmd(Command.PING), send -> {
      // ... should reply with PONG

This has the ben­e­fits that you can now con­nect to Redis in any of it’s op­er­a­tion modes:

  • Sin­gle server
  • HA mode
  • Clus­ter mode

The API is de­cou­pled from the hand­crafted com­mands, which means that you can use new fea­tures such as:

A gen­er­ated helper RedisAPI is avail­able that can wrap the client to pro­vide a sim­i­lar ex­pe­ri­ence to the old API.

The main dif­fer­ence is that this new wrap­per is gen­er­ated from the COM­MAND com­mand, so the cor­rect API it al­ways ex­posed:

RedisAPI redis = RedisAPI.api(client);

redis.set(Arrays.asList("key1", "value1"), set -> {
  // ...

Vert.x AMQP Client

The Vert.x AMQP client al­lows re­ceiv­ing and send­ing AMQP mes­sages. It su­per­sedes the cur­rent AMQP bridge and pro­vide an API more flex­i­ble and very much user-​friendly.

The Vert.x AMQP client al­lows:

  • Con­nect­ing to an AMQP bro­ker or router - SASL and TLS con­nec­tions are sup­ported
  • Con­sum­ing mes­sage from a queue or a topic
  • Send­ing mes­sages to a queue or a topic
  • Check­ing ac­knowl­edge­ment for sent mes­sages

The AMQP 1.0 pro­to­col sup­port durable sub­scrip­tions, per­sis­tence, se­cu­rity, con­ver­sa­tions, so­phis­ti­cated rout­ing… More de­tails on the pro­to­col can be found on the AMQP home­page.

The Vert.x AMQP client is based on Vert.x Pro­ton. If you need fine-​grain con­trol, we rec­om­mend using Vert.x Pro­ton di­rectly.

To use this new mod­ule, add the fol­low­ing to the de­pen­den­cies sec­tion of your Maven POM file:


Or, if you use Gra­dle:

compile 'io.vertx:vertx-amqp-client:3.7.0'

Then, you can con­nect to an AMQP bro­ker:

AmqpClientOptions options = new AmqpClientOptions()
AmqpClient client = AmqpClient.create(vertx, options);

client.connect(ar -> {
  if (ar.failed()) {
    System.out.println("Unable to connect to the broker");
  } else {
    System.out.println("Connection succeeded");
    AmqpConnection connection = ar.result();

    // You can create receivers and senders
      msg -> {
        // called on every received messages
        System.out.println("Received " + msg.bodyAsString());
      done -> {
        if (done.failed()) {
          System.out.println("Unable to create receiver");
        } else {
          AmqpReceiver receiver = done.result();

    connection.createSender("my-queue", done -> {
      if (done.failed()) {
        System.out.println("Unable to create a sender");
      } else {
        AmqpSender sender = done.result();


Stream pipes

When it comes to stream­ing, back-​pressure is some­thing you need to care about.

You have very much likely heard or used the Vert.x Pump API to trans­fer data from a read stream to a write stream while re­spect­ing the write stream back-​pressure.

The Pipe a new API su­per­sed­ing the Pump to achieve the same ef­fect and even more, it acts like a pump and han­dles for you

  • read stream pause/re­sume
  • write stream ter­mi­na­tion
  • stream fail­ures han­dling
  • asyn­chro­nous re­sult upon stream­ing com­ple­tion

You can trans­fer a read stream to a write stream sim­ply, the write stream will be ended upon com­ple­tion of the stream


You can also be no­ti­fied when the pipe com­pletes:

readStream.pipeTo(writeStream, ar -> {
  if (ar.succeeded()) {
  } else {
    System.out.println("failed " + ar.cause());

Cre­at­ing and using an asyn­chro­nous pipe is easy

// The read stream will be paused until the pipe is used
Pipe<Buffer> pipe = readStream.pipe();
getAsyncPipe(ar -> {
  if (ar.succeeded()) {;
  } else {

Kafka admin client

The new ver­sion brings a Vert.x based first im­ple­men­ta­tion of the na­tive Kafka Admin Client API which are in Java, in­stead of Scala used in the pre­vi­ous ver­sion.

The AdminUtils is now dep­re­cated and the new KafkaAdminClient is avail­able in­stead. It al­lows to re­move the last Scala ar­ti­fact de­pen­dency.

While the AdminUtils im­ple­men­ta­tion needs to con­nect to Zookeeper for ad­min­is­tra­tion pur­poses, the KafkaAdminClient only uses the Kafka boot­strap bro­kers con­nec­tion.

Properties config = new Properties();
config.put(AdminClientConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "my-kafka-broker:9092");

KafkaAdminClient adminClient = KafkaAdminClient.create(vertx, config);

The fea­tures cur­rently sup­ported are:

  • cre­ate and delete top­ics
  • list all the top­ics
  • de­scribe top­ics for get­ting in­for­ma­tion about leader par­ti­tion, fol­lower repli­cas and ISR (in-​sync repli­cas) list
  • alter top­ics con­fig­u­ra­tion
  • list all con­sumer groups
  • de­scribe con­sumer groups for get­ting in­for­ma­tion like the state, the co­or­di­na­tor host, con­sumers per top­ics and so on

If you are using the AdminUtils today, con­sider mi­grate to the new KafkaAdminClient be­cause the for­mer will be re­moved in Vert.x 4.0.

And more…

Here are some other im­por­tant im­prove­ments you can find in this re­lease:

  • Shared data struc­tures avail­able in local-​only mode even when Vert.x is clus­tered
  • JSON de­cod­ing with­out prior knowl­edge of the struc­ture (ob­ject, array, string, …etc)
  • In­fin­is­pan Clus­ter Man­ager up­graded to In­fin­is­pan 9.4.10.Final
  • And ob­vi­ously we have the usual bug fixes!


The 3.7.0 re­lease notes can be found on the wiki, as well as the list of dep­re­ca­tions and break­ing changes

Docker im­ages are avail­able on Docker Hub.

The Vert.x dis­tri­b­u­tion can be down­loaded on the web­site but is also avail­able from SD­KMan and Home­Brew.

The event bus client using the SockJS bridge is avail­able from:

The re­lease ar­ti­facts have been de­ployed to Maven Cen­tral and you can get the dis­tri­b­u­tion on Bin­tray.

That’s it! Happy cod­ing and see you soon on our user or dev chan­nels.

Next post

Eclipse Vert.x 3.7.1

We have just released Vert.x 3.7.1, a bug fix release of Vert.x 3.7.x and a few small features.

Previous post

Eclipse Vert.x 3.6.3

We have just released Vert.x 3.6.3, a bug fix release of Vert.x 3.6.x.

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