Eclipse Vert.x 4.1.2 released!
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August 11, 2021guides
Dynamic database pool configuration with Vert.x SQL Client
You will learn how to achieve dynamic database configuration of the Vert.x SQL Client pool
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July 1, 2021releases
Eclipse Vert.x 4.1.1 released!
Eclipse Vert.x version 4.1.1 has just been released. It fixes quite a few bugs that have been reported by the community and provides a couple of features
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December 7, 2016guides
Getting started with new fabric8 Vert.x Maven Plugin
The all new fabric8 Vert.x Maven Plugin allows you to setup, package, run, start, stop and redeploy easily with a very little configuration resulting in a less verbose pom.xml.
阅读更多March 20, 2017guides
Scala is here
The rise of Scala as one of the most important languages on the JVM caught many (me included) by surprise. This hybrid of functional and imperative paradigms struck a chord with many developers.
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TCP Client using Eclipse Vert.x, Kotlin and Gradle build
In this blog post, I demonstrate how to write a very simple TCP client that keeps a connection open to a custom-written server in cloud.