Contract Driven REST Services with Vert.x3

We see a new trend in development where we are shifting from developing applications to APIs. More and more we see services being offered as REST APIs that we are allowed to consume.


Writing secure Vert.x Web apps

This is a starting guide for securing Vert.x web applications. Standard rules and practices apply to Vert.x apps as if they would to any other web framework.


Vert.x 3 real time web apps

One of the interesting features of Vert.x is the SockJS event bus bridge. It allows external applications to communicate with Vert.x event bus using Websockets.


Unit and Integration Tests

Let’s refresh our mind about what we developed so far in the introduction to vert.x series. We forgot an important task. We didn’t test the API.


Some Rest with Vert.x

This post is part of the Introduction to Vert.x series. Let’s go a bit further this time and develop a CRUD-ish application


Vert.x Application Configuration

In our previous post, we developed a very simple Vert.x 3 application, and saw how this application can be tested, packaged and executed. That was nice, wasn’t it?
